How to Make Your Writing Persuasive

Do you want your guide to engross in your research? Do you want to convince your readers to understand and agree with your view point? Well, those weren’t even the questions to ask! Of course, you do!

And for that, you need to write persuasively!

Persuasion is an art, an exercise to create a win-win situation involving logics and reasons to try. The best way to learn about persuasive writing is to critically evaluate while you read.

“The ability, in each particular case, to set the available means of persuasion”~Aristotle

Where, the means of persuasion are:

1)Reason: To appeal reader’s rationality & logic
2)Emotion: To create feelings in your readers that will lead them to your intellect.
3)Belief: Keeping in mind the values and belief of your reader/audience to build an

To adapt the means of persuasion, you have to follow the points mentioned below:

        1. Answer the ‘Why’?Don’t forget the power of the word ‘Because.’  If you are making a statement, you should be able to present it with corresponding ‘evidence’, studies have reported that readers are likely to comply with a request if you give them a reason.
          Example: A planet orbits the sun because the lighter object orbits the heavier one, and the sun is, by far, the heaviest object in the solar system.
        2. Address the Point:
          Be clear with what you are pointing in your writing. Make your point in the opening sentence as it introduces the topic you’re about to emphasize on.
          For example, your research topic is ‘Habitat Impact due to change in Global Warming’, you can start your writing by making the below mentioned point:
          “Global warming is causing climate changes.”
        3. Evidence:
          After making a point, in the next two or three sentences, provide evidence or proof to expand upon and support the point you made. Evidence includes research findings, statistics, and quoting an authority or any other primary text, such as the classic literature!
          Example: On taking the above mentioned example again, you can give evidence as:“Global warming is causing climate changes. The research conducted at Brandon University indicated that 47% change in climate at Canada due to global warming.”
        4. The opposition:
          If you are making an argument, then make sure it covers the varied perspectives. In order to write a persuasive research, you should be able to acknowledge the opposition i.e. don’t let your readers imagine “yeah, but..?”
          Example: Argument: Organic produce from local Farmers’ Markets is better than the store-bought produce.
          Opposition: But, organic produce is too expensive.
        5. Prognosticate:The most effective persuasive writing technique is providing the readers with a glimpse into the future, only if you can support your claim with the obvious grasp of the subject matter.
          Example: For future, it is suggested that a proportional random sample should be used to compare several RMG industry by using a larger sample.
        6. Link:
          Provide linkage from one point to another in order to reach the next paragraph. Giving a good flow to your research helps readers to stay connected. Structure paragraphs as per the theme and end up.

I hope these points are useful in making your writing persuasive. If you think you can add more to it, then feel free to posts your comments below!

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